By Senator John Albers on Monday, 23 October 2017
Category: Senator John Albers

What it Means to be a Public Servant

When I think of what it means to be a public servant, I think of men and women who want to make a difference and have a positive impact on the lives of others. They want to do the best they can for the people who elected them and who they represent at different levels of government. People who put their name on the ballot to run for public office are volunteering for a position that will allow them to give a voice and power to their fellow community members. They truly believe they can make a difference for their local community, state and nation.

We recently held city elections and a special county election. I believe all the candidates who put their name on the ballot should be thanked. As a serving Georgia Senator, I know running in an election can take a toll on our families, personal lives, businesses and finances. Even with these concerns, those who run for public office do so because they want to further the public good and bring important issues to light. Elections can often become a battleground — not of ideas — but negative comments, rumors and misrepresentations. Let’s focus on the substance; be professional; and work together to solve problems. This includes candidates and voters.

Elected officials want to represent the best interests of those who elect them. Public servants at the local, state and national level need to learn compromise and find common ground. We need to be less divisive and work together. There is an opportunity for everyone to agree to disagree, and also to disagree without disapproving. This applies at every level of government, including cities. The city council and mayor’s ability to work together and bring solutions is the winning formula. As President Ronald Reagan said, “There is no limit to the amount of good you can do if you don’t care who gets the credit.”

To those who were elected, congratulations, and I urge you to be magnanimous. To those who fell short on votes, your journey is not over. There are countless ways to serve your community and stay engaged.

As we head into the 2018 legislative session, I encourage our newly elected officials and all of our citizens to stay engaged and informed. By keeping lines of communication open, we can ensure each level of government is involved and informed on issues impacting our communities.

I look forward to working with each of the cities, county, school system and fellow legislators to correct the Fulton County Property tax issue this coming January once and for all. More information will be coming soon on this issue and others we might be addressing during the upcoming legislative session. I encourage anyone with questions or comments to contact my office at any time. As always, I am honored to represent you in the 56th Senate District.