By Senator Bruce Thompson on Friday, 24 August 2018
Category: Senator Bruce Thompson

Will the New Law and Express Lanes Provide the Relief We Seek?

In July, the hands-free law went into effect, outlawing the use of hand-held devices while driving. This legislation was passed in an attempt to reduce traffic-related fatalities as a result of distracted driving. Law enforcement has openly stated that the law was necessary to aid in the enforcement of the no texting statute passed back in 2010.Those against it felt that a law already existed prohibiting the engagement in any action that would distract drivers from safely operating a motor vehicle. This law was cited when a man was issued a citation for eating a juicy hamburger while driving. If eating a hamburger while driving is deemed distracting and unsafe, I’m still puzzled as to why people can puff on a cigarette or vape while driving down the highway.

By the end of the year, the express lanes on 575 and Interstate 75 are set to open. These new roads are designed to provide relief to the packed roadways, but the question still remains whether they will work as designed. I personally have my doubts after traveling south of Atlanta and seeing similar lanes sitting idle or being restricted from use. It seems to me that since taxpayer money was used to build the lanes, they should be available for use 24/7. As far as the fly-over lanes, one major accident, and commuters may wish they had not traded the crawl on 75 for the complete stall on the fly-over.

How many times have you been motoring down the interstate at 65 mph and glanced at your passenger mirror just as a motorcycle zips between you and the car beside you? This action of riding or hugging the white line is called lane-splitting, and it is illegal in Georgia. Although some states permit motorcyclists to drive between the cars, many more are taking actions to prohibit the practice.