By Senator John Albers on Friday, 23 September 2016
Category: Senator John Albers

Winning the War on Terrorism

Winning the war on terror is more important than ever. It’s a war being fought at home and around the globe. Our nation and our liberties have come under attack in places like California and Orlando where lives were lost as a result of terrorist activities. It’s imperative that we stay alert, and realize that each one of us plays an important role in preventing and fighting the biggest threat to our security, our freedoms and our way of life.

It’s more evident than ever before that radical Islam is a problem that must be recognized, addressed and combated. With that said, it’s important to remember that not all Muslims are terrorists, but the sad reality is that all the terrorists conducting these attacks have been followers of Islam. Those who choose to perform terroristic attacks do not represent an entire religion. They’re fanatics who must be defeated.

Some say that winning the war on terror is impossible. Tell that to the soldiers who raised the flag at Iwo Jima, stormed Normandy, liberated concentration camps and destroyed the Nazi army. Like these brave men and women, we can and will win. Americans never falter and run away in fear when their freedoms are threatened. If we all come together and become part of the solution, we’ll defeat this enemy. It takes citizens, soldiers, police officers, firefighters and more to band together and win. Our nation must take a proactive approach when analyzing potential threats to our homeland security, so attacks can be prevented before they are implemented.

In Georgia, citizen safety is a top priority for my colleagues and me. We’re working hard to ensure that, as a state, we’re winning the war on terror. This past year, we added more Georgia Bureau of Investigation (GBI) agents and new intelligence positions. We passed Senate Bill 416, which established the Georgia Information Sharing and Analysis Center (GISAC). This center enables various agencies of state and local governments to combine resources, expertise, intelligence and other information to better detect activities that may pose a threat to our homeland security.

GISAC shares any findings with the Georgia Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency (GEMHSA), formerly known as the Georgia Emergency Management Agency. GEMHSA serves as the homeland security agency for Georgia. They’re the liaison between Georgia and the FBI, the Joint Terrorism Task Force and the U.S. Department of Homeland Security. Members of GEMHSA work tirelessly to gather intelligence and do whatever is necessary to prevent terrorism in Georgia.

As we strengthen efforts in Georgia and around the nation, we must all remain aware and prepared. Our nation’s freedom is a privilege we cannot let slip away. Together, we can prevent future attacks and defeat the enemy, so we will always remain “The home of the free because of the brave.” May God bless our first responders and military.