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Woodstock's Sustainable Future

Woodstock’s journey to go green began in 2009 after receiving stimulus grants for demonstration projects such as the solar panel display at the City Chambers building and the installation of solar hot water heaters at Fire Station #10. These projects, along with adopting the first citywide Sustainability Policy, are among a laundry list of other measures completed by City staff that allowed Woodstock to earn the Atlanta Regional Commission’s Green Communities Certification at the bronze level in 2010 and gold in 2015.The Green Communities Program assists local governments with implementing measures that will reduce their environmental footprint not only within government buildings but throughout the entire city. The resulting successes, much like green energy, have generated their own momentum and created a cycle of expanding efforts and incentives.

Fast forward to 2019; the City is now aiming to be the fourth recipient of the Green Communities Certification at the platinum level — making Woodstock the first community on the northwest side of the perimeter to reach the achievement. Since platinum is the highest certification level, a significant number of tasks must be completed. One large task is developing a sustainability plan that outlines future goals, projects, and programs with the ultimate goal of lowering community greenhouse gas emissions. Woodstock aims to address measures revolving around seven core focus areas: Energy & Building, Land Use, Solid Waste, Water Management, Transportation, Government Operations, and Public Outreach.
The last focus area, Public Outreach, will guide the entire process. With this in mind, a sustainability committee of active community members has been formed to assist in defining a green future fit for Woodstock. Sustainability committee members address the plan’s specific project needs and overall vision. Members come from all parts of Woodstock, including the commercial sector, engaged residents, and City officials.

To engage the Woodstock voice at large, the City is hosting a public engagement event Thursday, July 18, at the Chambers at City Center (8534 Main Street, Woodstock) at 7:00pm. Community development staff invites all community members to attend this meeting, so that they can tap into your thoughts about Woodstock’s sustainable future.

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