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Woodstock Water Ensures High-Quality Growing Supply for Decades to Come

The City of Woodstock has experienced a historic Renaissance that includes an emphasis on live/work/play development with parks, trails, entertainment, commercial facilities, and a vibrant downtown. Phenomenal success and growth lead to obvious challenges in the provision of infrastructure to support the community. Woodstock Water has met those challenges with a variety of capital improvement projects, including the development of new water sources to ensure the growing supply of high-quality drinking water for decades to come.Woodstock Water has traditionally maintained water supplies from two wholesale providers in Cobb and Cherokee counties. These water sources originate from the Chattahoochee River and Lake Allatoona. The City of Woodstock recognized the advantages of further diversifying beyond those sources to establish a new supply of drinking water from groundwater wells. This diversification plan culminated in 2017 with the construction of five groundwater production facilities. Each production facility pumps groundwater from deep wells and professionally treats the water according to strict Environmental Protection Division guidelines before being added to the distribution network.

Groundwater has natural quality advantages over surface water supplies, and it typically tastes like natural spring water. The treatment process ensures quality levels are consistently maintained. Each of the five production facilities have specific daily testing processes, and Woodstock Water has expanded overall water quality initiatives to include significantly more testing throughout the network, including expansion of the many chemical characteristics being tested. These quality initiatives are included in the annual Water Quality Report published each year for the public.

The Groundwater Production Project has allowed Woodstock Water to expand the overall water supply necessary to support the growth of the city. Woodstock now has 11 separate supply channels of drinking water from the two wholesale providers and internal groundwater facilities. The diversification of supply sources also provides a significant reduction of risk of supply interruption. The success of the project has continued, as Woodstock Water continues to explore more groundwater sources in the future.

This Groundwater Production Project is only one component of an overall Capital Improvement Plan that includes the addition of many miles of new water mains, the upgrade of existing main lines, and the continued expansion of water quality analysis. All of this is accomplished by the water technicians behind the scenes, serving citizens every day, ensuring that high-quality drinking water is available to support the growth associated with the success of Woodstock.

Rob Hogan is the public works director for the City of Woodstock. 770-592-6000.

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