By Senator John Albers on Monday, 24 July 2017
Category: Senator John Albers

You Can Catch More Flies With Honey…

Summer is often a time when Americans across the country are able to sit back and relax, as they enjoy a reprieve from the normal hustle and bustle of everyday life. The kids are out of school, families start taking vacations, and we are able to focus more on the things that truly make us happy. This summer, I’ve had the chance to reflect on what the past few months of my life have been like and have thought seriously about the current state of our country.

Like many Americans, I am unhappy with the current environment of our nation. But this isn’t because of our nation’s leadership, it’s because of the hateful, negative and frankly “un-American” attitude I’ve seen sweep our country. The unprecedented divide in our country has resulted in people lashing out in violence. In just the last few months, we’ve seen a shooting at a congressional baseball practice and other hateful crimes happen across our nation. This is not the America I know, and I’m disappointed in the kind of choices some are making to divide and intensify intolerant attitudes.

I recently felt the effects of the negative attitude of some after a social media post garnered unwanted and inappropriate comments. The saying, “You catch more flies with honey than you can with vinegar” rings true today. If you want someone to consider your words, it is better to speak to someone through thoughtful conversation rather than attack a person using profanities. The principle of free speech is certainly something to be protected, but it’s also important to remember your comments are read by our youth who are absorbing your words and using them. This vile language is not appropriate, tolerated or welcome, but constructive conversation is encouraged. I urge everyone to consider the implications of what they are posting before they press “send.”

Rhetoric is at an all-time high. We hear and see things daily that influence our thoughts and opinions. As citizens, we have the responsibility to be good stewards of our community and nation, and it’s up to us to change this rhetoric. We can choose to believe the rumors that surface on the internet and newspapers, or we can choose to ignore them in favor of hard facts. In times like this, one fact always reminds me of why I choose to serve in the state senate. I live in the best nation in the world, and I’m surrounded by wonderful family, friends, colleagues and constituents. I couldn’t be more thankful for the wonderful people who serve our state from our law enforcement officers, to our firefighters and soldiers, etc. These hard-working men and women make Georgia the best place to live, work and play. This is the kind of rhetoric I want to surround myself with, and I hope you join me in thinking of the positives within our community and reminding yourself every day of what we can positively achieve. Please join me, as we change the tone together.