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Woodstock Local Interests




CCSD Names 2016-17 Student Advisor, Student Delegates to School Board

The Cherokee County School Board has included a student advisor position on its board since 1999, and for the past six years, a student delegate from each high school has also been selected. These students serve for one year to give input and feedback to the School Board; the advisor role is rotated among the countys high schools.

This years student advisor is Joseph Henderson of ACE Academy. The Student Delegates are: Cherokee High Schools Julia Kochansky, Creekview High Schools Parker Quarles, Etowah High Schools Meghan Hines, River Ridge High Schools Jordan Mason, Sequoyah High Schools Isabelle Riddle and Woodstock High Schools Kayla Brader.

Students selected to serve as student advisor or student delegates share common traits. They excel in the classroom, often ranking in the top ten percent of their class and earning titles like valedictorian; they are involved in their school, often participating in numerous clubs, sports and organizations, and they seek out opportunities to serve and lead.