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10 Print Marketing Statistics You Should Know

  1. 79% of households say they read or scan direct-mail ads.

Your customer base isn't just willing to read your print marketing materials; they're highly likely to read them. How many online ads do you read every day?

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Advertising vs. Press Releases

Most companies know they need to promote their products and services by telling their story to attract customers. Many companies mistakenly believe that advertising and press releases are basically the same thing and can be used interchangeably. However, advertising and press releases have a different focus.An advertisement is written for your target audience. Your message speaks directly to your audience. With an advertisement, you’re selling your product or service. Since you are paying for the advertisement, you are guaranteed that your message will reach the readers. You can also control the message and the frequency. Some publications will even include a complimentary story to enhance your advertising campaign.

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How to determine if an image is suitable for Print

In order for photos to be printed at a very high quality, they must have a high resolution. Pictures on the internet are low resolution, so they are unable to be used for print.The ideal resolution needed to print clear images is around 300dpi. An image of 300dpi contains much more ink per square inch than one of 72dpi usually used on websites, so the print quality will be much higher. In order to determine whether your picture’s resolution is high enough for print, look at the size of the JPEG:           

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Writing the Perfect Advertorial

An advertorial is an advertisement in the format of editorial content. Advertorials are found in printed media and are designed to look like independent news articles. The goal of advertorials is to interest readers by presenting them with an ad that seems more like a press release. An advertorial is a great way to start an advertising campaign. People buy from those they know, like and trust. Advertorials give you the opportunity to tell readers what sets you apart from your competitors.

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After-Sales Service

The goal of sales representatives throughout the sales process is to establish trust and a solid relationship with customers. Great sales reps maintain and build that trust long after the initial sale is over.Maintaining the customer relationship leads to greater consumer happiness and, eventually, to even more business. While this benefits the business, it also has significant advantages for the customers. After-sale service is typically geared towards ensuring the customers continue to get the most out of the product/service. Providing customers with excellent follow-up services gives them extra value, while also giving the company more trusted people to provide feedback on their new services.

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Consistency in Advertising

Consistency is one of the most important concepts in branding. Often, companies can overwhelm consumers if their marketing is coming from too many directions at once. Contrasting campaigns confuse consumers, making them unsure of where to look next. To deliver a cohesive and recognizable brand identity, every single piece seen by a company’s clients must be consistent with the brand’s personality.

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How to Create an Effective Call to Action

A call to action (CTA) is a portion of an advertisement that aims to further engage your target audience. It tells the reader what to do to follow up on the ad, such as downloading, registering, or calling a phone number. Every ad should include a call to action, telling the reader to act now.

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Find Your Target Audience

One of the most crucial steps to making a business profitable is to determine and correctly target the audience. Once the target audience is defined, it becomes much easier to determine what marketing tactics to use.

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Advantages of Print Advertising

In the modern day, digital advertising has become popularized due to its interactivity and widespread reach, leading many companies to believe it is now the best form of advertising. However, print advertising offers many advantages that digital will never have, backed by many years of established success.Consumers trust print: Readers are more likely to trust magazine content and printed advertisements than advertisements on the internet. According to Nielsen’s Global Trust in Advertising and Brand Messages 2013 report, print ads rank significantly higher in consumer trust than any other channel.

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