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More Myths About School Zone Cameras

Last month's "Canton Notes" column covered three myths about school zone cameras. To continue to confront misinformation about these traffic-control devices, here are three more myths circulating about the school zone speed cameras.Myth No. 1: The police are not involved.The statute requires a police officer to review each citation to ensure that i...

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  812 Hits

Myths About School ZoneCameras

 Given the misinformation being spread about these cameras and the legal process tied to them, it is a good time to review what the law is — and what it is not. Myth No. 1: You can only get a ticket if the lights are flashing.Not in the City of Canton. The area designated as a school zone is a school zone for the entire school day. The flashin...

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  1132 Hits

A Park on the Rebound

Solvitur ambulando. It is solved by walking. We've all been there. Maybe it was a work issue. Maybe it was a family disagreement. Maybe it was when you had an article due for Canton Family Life, and you were right up against a deadline. We've all been at that point where we need to put our feet on the ground and go for a walk. Fresh air, sunshine (...

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  587 Hits

This Article Is Not About Cookies

If this article was titled "Planning and Zoning," you wouldn't have read this far. But please continue — it will be worth your time.If you are reading this, there's a good chance you may have also read a recent headline proclaiming, "Canton May Scrap Planning Commission." When the article is hidden behind a paywall, people understandably react to t...

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Finding Comfort in Art During the Pandemic

Around one year ago, scientists began cautioning us about a new virus that had the potential to become a serious, life-disrupting pandemic. Face masks and "shelter-in-place" became hot topics. Through all the anxiety and uncertainty, one familiar experience gave us an escape: the arts.

  813 Hits

How Canton Will Always Find a Way Forward

It is my pleasure to use my inaugural article in Canton Family Life to focus on the goodness of spirit that the people in our city possess. Ward 2, which I share the honor of representing with my good friend Shawn Tolan, encompasses some of our historic neighborhoods and our vibrant downtown. Here's a story about our little downtown, and the people who saved it.

  820 Hits