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Good Communication = Maintaining a High Quality of Life in Milton Lockwood

Quality of life is important to everyone. It can mean something different for every family, every community. It’s definitely subjective, but it’s also something that we’re all constantly striving for in our lives. It’s the reason families and businesses gravitate to a specific community.Several years ago, a national business publication survey recognized the Milton for having the highest quality of life in the state of Georgia and the ninth highest quality of life in the South. For the last two years, we’ve been ranked the second safest city in Georgia by the National Council for Home Safety and Security, and even more recently, I learned an online publication ranked Milton number two out of the Top 10 Best Places to Live in Georgia for 2018.

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Built From the Community for the Community

It has been a very satisfying first five years publishing our community magazines for you to enjoy each month. Before we opened our doors in July 2013, the plan was to deliver a publication that put your family and our community first while promoting local businesses and providing a resource to help readers plan exciting evenings and weekends close to home. Andrew Carnegie once said, “If you want to be happy, set a goal that commands your thoughts, liberates your energy, and inspires your hopes.” That is what we did.The second part of our plan was to use sustainably sourced papers that have been manufactured and printed reflecting my personal unwavering concern for our environment. Our magazines use well designed and informative content to engage, inform, and entertain, using trees grown exclusively for our papers that are created without harsh and toxic chemicals, which are detrimental to fragile streams and waterways. We’re so very proud of that.

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City of Woodstock Police and Fire Departments Announce Citizens’ Public Safety Academy

The Woodstock Police and Fire Departments are now accepting applications for the fall Citizens’ Public Safety Academy, which is scheduled to begin on Thursday, August 30, 2018.Citizens’ Public Safety Academy is a series of educational classes designed to enhance the understanding of various aspects within the police and fire profession. The program is intended to strengthen the relationship between citizens and the Woodstock Police and Fire Departments as well as spotlight the responsibilities of public safety personnel and the inherent risks associated with these professions.

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Transparency in Government

You hear the word “transparency” a lot when talking about government. I take transparency in government very seriously, and I want to assure you the City of Roswell is a transparent government. We pride ourselves on making information available to our residents through open meetings, the City’s website, recording, videotaping, and indexing our mayor and council meetings, and also through our open records process. While the City of Roswell is transparent, I want to take our transparency to another level. I want City information to be convenient for citizens to access, and City government participation to be made easier. Today’s technology makes that possible.Did you know you can receive emails from the City notifying you of meetings, events, and news? All you need to do is visit, and fill out the form. If you subscribe, you will receive an email each time something is posted to the website.

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School Is in Session

I don’t know who first said, “Sending the kids back-to-school makes me want to cry — tears of joy,” but I find myself relating well to this thought the first week in August each year. Don’t get me wrong, I love my two teenagers and the precious time we have to spend together. However, I also love my two teenagers back in school.While getting back into the school-year routine is a little bittersweet, I am always encouraged by the fact that the schools in Johns Creek consistently rank among the best in the state and, according to the latest U.S. News & World Report high school rankings (, we also rank among the best in the nation once again.

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Charming and Remarkable Alpharetta

At a recent Alpharetta City Council meeting, we had the opportunity to review a zoning application for an extraordinary development that would include a luxurious hotel, a world-class fitness training facility, and a level of amenities that would draw high-level athletes from all over the globe. The proposal was so impressive and unique that throughout the zoning process, everyone I spoke to was enthusiastic about the possibility, yet skeptical about the business model.During their presentation, the applicants admitted that there isn’t anything like their proposal anywhere else in the world. Backers said only two facilities in the United States even come close to what they are proposing, and none can offer everything their clients need in one location. The applicants were also candid about how expensive it would be for clients to enjoy such a luxurious setting while preparing themselves for the world’s most physically demanding sporting competitions.

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Woodstock Police Department Will Host 2018 National Night Out

The Woodstock Police Department, in partnership with other local public safety agencies, will join forces with thousands of communities nationwide for the 35th Annual National Night Out, which will be held on Tuesday, August 7, from 6:00-9:00pm in The Park at City Center (101 Arnold Mill Road).National Night Out is designed to heighten crime and drug prevention awareness, generate support for and participation in local anti-crime efforts, strengthen police and community partnerships, and send a message to criminals that neighborhoods are uniting together to fight crime.

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Dear Milton Residents,

Summer is in full swing, and it’s hard to believe that another year is halfway through. On behalf of everyone with the City of Milton, we want to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July and a safe and enjoyable summer. Whether you’re traveling long distances to vacation or celebrating summer with a few family “staycations,” I hope everyone is making lasting memories with their friends and family!While summer provides a bit of downtime for the overall community, it’s actually a busy time of year for our staff, as they are gearing up for the next budget cycle. This summer is particularly busy for our staff since we’ve brought on additional parks and recreation amenities this year with the addition of the Milton Country Club property. Thanks to the collaborative efforts of our entire staff, citizen volunteers, and the Milton Council, Milton’s Parks and Recreation department is now offering swim and tennis programs at the former Milton Country Club.

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Make Great Summer Memories in Johns Creek

From the unofficial kickoff of the summer season during Memorial Day Weekend to the celebration of our nation’s independence each July 4, I have always viewed this time of year with great fondness.I remember the enjoyment of time off during my younger school days along with a great sense of personal growth landing my first summer job, traveling with family over summer vacation to new and interesting places, visits with relatives, and gatherings with close friends. Now that I’m old(er), I enjoy the time I have with my wife and children, and the opportunities we have to create our own summer traditions and memories.

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Community, Content, and Character

Looking back five years ago to the excitement and joy of establishing a community magazine, I am still a bit overwhelmed by how well our readers have embraced us on this adventure. We have learned so very much about how to make our magazines stand out, not only as the leader in our local markets, but we’ve also increasingly articulated the “how” and “why” we do what we do in the first place.Honestly, when our August 2013 issues were delivered, I knew immediately that changes in our paper supply needed to be made. My first “a-ha” moment was discovering how much all those magazines weighed! Since we direct mail our magazines, the weight was clearly marked on our postage receipt, and one word stood out: tons. I was floored and a bit upset at myself for not considering the environmental toll. Soon after, we made the pledge to only use sustainably sourced paper for our pages. That basically means that the trees used to make the paper on which this magazine is printed were specifically grown to make paper. That certification may cost a bit more, but protecting our environment should be top of the list when the goal of our magazines is to help create healthier and happier places to live.

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Fireworks Safety Tips

Independence Day is just around the corner. It is a time for parades, food, family, and yes — fireworks. Many families in our area are planning to have their own private fireworks display rather than attending a public display.Each year, the Woodstock Fire Department responds to calls for service as a result of carelessness and/or the improper use of fireworks. In an effort to keep yourself and the people around you safe, please consider the following fireworks safety recommendations from The National Council on Fireworks Safety:

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Continuing Roswell's Tradition of Service

There have been many changes in our City government in the past several months. We have a new mayor, four new council members, and a new City administrator. The leadership of the City has changed, but we are continuing the tradition of providing our residents with the high level of service Roswell is renowned for across the metro Atlanta area.I believe Roswell’s employees are its greatest asset. They serve our citizens, seven days a week, and in some cases, 24 hours a day. One of my goals is to improve the workplace culture for our employees and show them this administration truly appreciates them. I have an open-door policy where employees can speak with me about anything that is concerning them. I have also reached out to them by hosting an open house in my office, holding lunches with employees, and semi-quarterly social functions to give them the opportunity to not only meet and speak with me, but to interact with each other in a relaxed setting.

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The Destination Ahead

Summer vacation time always brings back fond memories of travels and adventures with my grandparents, Jack and Lillian Briscoe, who I knew as PapaJack and Nanlil. Much like many of our grands, they were two of the people I admired most in my youth. Always happy, inseparable, and seldom angered, PapaJack and Nanlil knew how to live their lives to the fullest and embraced their days together for almost sixty years. My brother, cousins, and I traveled many miles by plane, train, and automobile and listened intently to the optimism and wisdom of two of the kindest souls one could ever meet. They were successful not only financially, through a strong work ethic and wise business practices, but also spiritually and mentally by living right, one day at a time.Traveling along the road to get to destinations with our grandparents was always a well-coordinated adventure. At least four or five times a year, we would pile in the back seat of PapaJack’s big red Chrysler® and drive for hours to their little mountain retreat. Along the way, we would play travel games they kept packed in pockets on the back of the front seats. I would watch mile marker numbers shrink in size, as we approached each little town, remembering the last time I was there and knowing exactly what was around the corner. It seemed so easy, all so natural as children. We knew that fun was ahead, and soon, we would be in a comfortable place. PapaJack and Nanlil would have everything planned perfectly, from roasting marshmallows, snow skiing, hiking, and tubing, to breakfast, which was always orange sweet rolls, scrambled eggs, and cheese grits with half a big pink grapefruit. I loved it all — except the grapefruit.

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Mmm… Music Mondays in May!

To give the citizens of Woodstock a fun, musical alternative to the Monday “blues,” Woodstock Parks and Recreation Department has created a leisure activity at the Northside Hospital-Cherokee Amphitheater.Music Mondays in May will build on the established and successful Woodstock Summer Concert Series (occurring May through September) and the Brown Bag Concert Series (occurring every Thursday in September).

“Woodstock has demonstrated its love for music any time of day or year,” said Director of Parks and Recreation Preston Pooser. “We already have a beautiful venue, and we felt like a spring picnic with great music would be just the thing for Woodstock.”

Every Monday, 11:00am-1:00pm, the tunes at the Northside Hospital-Cherokee Amphitheater will be cranked up, and all are encouraged to bring their picnic lunch and join in on the fun. Each Monday will feature a D.J. providing music from a different decade.

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Looking Deeper Inside

Growing up, I was fortunate to learn to swim shortly after learning to walk. Being a member of a family that enjoyed the outdoors and respected nature, water became my second home. My mother, Bonnie, taught swimming lessons for many years at our home on Toonigh Road. Watching her help others learn to enjoy water and build confidence was a big part of my early years.Developing confidence was one of the largest underlying factors in overcoming the fear of water. It didn’t matter if the student was a toddler, teen, or senior — fear was always due to the unknown. It takes courage to get over fear, and it takes knowledge to gain confidence. Mom was one of the best at helping others learn about water, overcome their misconceptions, and cope with the fear to build that confidence. Once the fear was respected and addressed, it could be processed, understood, and overcome.

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Legislative Session Accomplishments

The 2018 Legislative Session was full of accomplishments for the people of Georgia. I would like to share some of what I have worked on during the session – sponsoring several bills that affect both my district and the entire state.

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Johns Creek: Forging a Legacy of Premier Residential Living

It never ceases to amaze me the amount of talent we have in our relatively small city of 83,000. From Jeff Foxworthy, Usher, and Angelica Hale, and prominent news anchors such as Karyn Greer and Russ Spencer, to Olympic medalists, CEOs and other senior-level corporate executives, and top-tier educators.Johns Creek continues to be a beacon that attracts high performers from all walks of life. Have you ever stopped to wonder why that is? What is it about Johns Creek that continues to make us so desirable?

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The best laid plans of mice and men often go awry. ~ Robert Burns

This saying, the modern adaptation of a line from Robert Burns poetic work, “To a Mouse,” has been a source of comfort to me over the past couple dozen years. To some, that all too prophetic verse may strike fear and rattle nerves, stating that no matter how much preparation, thought and genius is poured into a plan, something just might come along and smash the script. Now, to think about that, Burns was a Scotsman in the late eighteenth century, and even in that day without all the structure, networks and technology — plenty could go wrong.The origin of what became presently known as Murphy’s Law was long before calendars, Palm Pilots and iPhones, or for that matter, wristwatches and the human language. Edward Murphy, a brash, outspoken and often arrogant engineer who worked with the Air Force while testing the effects of g-forces on the body in the 1950s, seems to be the namesake for the term which was coined. The initial tests using his measurement device showed “zero.” It was then discovered the sensors were installed backwards by his assistant, to which Murphy stated, “If that guy has any way of making a mistake, he will,” which was then revised through other team members and made it to the project manager. The project manager stated it during a press conference to convey that the success of the project without loss of life was due to their planning, redundancy and knowledge of Murphy’s Law, iterating that, “If anything can go wrong, it will.”

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Woodstock Halloween Kidfest

On Tuesday, October 31, the City of Woodstock is celebrating Halloween with all our younger ghouls and goblins in the Park at City Center, 101 Arnold Mill Road, from 3:00-8:00pm. As a safe alternative to trick-or-treating, bring the family, and enjoy activities for children of all ages. Activities such as a moonwalk, DJ Ronnie playing some spooky tunes, Tim the Magician, Adam the Juggler, festive games, and the ever-popular stringed apple and pumpkin bowling, this event is sure to be a hauntingly good time.A costume contest will take place at 6:00pm. Trophies and prizes will be awarded in the following categories: funniest, scariest, cutest, and best costume.

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Looking Ahead While Celebrating Milton’s Accomplishments

Unlike some of the newer Georgia cities, the City of Milton provides a full suite of City services that includes public safety (fire and police), parks and recreation, community development and public works. Maximizing your tax dollars to provide those services in the most efficient manner is a top priority for your elected officials and City staff.It’s important that we reflect on the activities and initiatives over the last year. Our 2016-2020 Strategic Plan is there to guide our ongoing City efforts, and City staff will evaluate and report on a calendar year those strategic accomplishments, but it’s equally important to reflect on our more short-term accomplishments:

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