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Keep It in the Creek

The pollen has washed away and now it is time to get outdoors and enjoy the sights and sounds of summer. In Johns Creek, our goal is to Be the Exception in all we do. So, we have lots to offer in June and it starts with movies and making memories.

Now in its ninth year, Movies at Newtown Park features our free family-friendly films on an inflatable screen. Bring your blankets and watch movies showing June 14, July 12, and Aug. 9. Check our website, JohnsCreekGa.Gov for future movie titles.

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May 2015

After several years of vacationing locally, I was blessed last month with an opportunity to hop on a plane seeking new adventures and visit a little island in the south Caribbean for some scuba diving. A small group of students, wide-eyed with enthusiasm, had studied new skills; got ahead at work and made plans at home; in preparation to be away in a foreign land. None of us on the trip had been there before and what we found there makes each of us look forward to our return.

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Sustainable Woodstock Living the Vision

In January, the Mayor and City Council of Woodstock held the annual planning retreat, where goals and accomplishments are assessed, and the vision and priorities for the City are decided upon. This year, the Vision Statement for 2020 was reviewed and remained unchanged, stating: Woodstock is a sustainable city with hometown pride. Our City is a community for a lifetime with 1st class neighborhoods, a vibrant downtown and natural and designed beauty. Our residents enjoy convenient living and active lifestyles. “Experience Woodstock. . . Her Heritage. . . Her Vision.”

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Extending Farmers Market Through October 31

The Johns Creek Farmers Market has been so successful citizens and nearby visitors asked for more of it. So we decided to start a little earlier and end a little later this year. As a result, the Farmers Market kicked off April 18 and runs every Saturday morning until Oct. 31. The Farmers Market is located at the Amphitheater at Newtown Park so people can take full advantage of good weather as we head into fall. We have live music, face-painting for the kids, and have included special events to make it a more enjoyable experience.

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Steps Needed to Pass Legislation

Now that the 2015 Legislative Session is over, many ask me what I accomplished this year. I am proud to say that I successfully carried three pieces of general legislation and two pieces of local legislation.

In the Legislature, the first person that signs on to legislation “carries” the Legislation. What exactly does this mean? It means that the legislator begins the process by first meeting with Legislative Counsel. These are the attorneys that draft legislation. Often these meetings are quite lengthy as the policy that a legislator is trying to affect gets translated into a proposed statute.

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February 2015

In the blur of today’s cultures, it may become necessary to reflect on the thoughts of forward thinkers from simpler times whose words were intended to better future generations. The following is one of my personal favorites, “Desiderata,” displayed prominently in my office and in my home — I reflect on it often. Its historical origin is of question, but its purity and direction ring true.

In the blur of today’s cultures, it may become necessary to reflect on the thoughts of forward thinkers from simpler times whose words were intended to better future generations. The following is one of my personal favorites, “Desiderata,” displayed prominently in my office and in my home — I reflect on it often. Its historical origin is of question, but its purity and direction ring true.

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New Volunteer Program Promotes Trail Safety

The City of Woodstock is spearheading a new trail-safety initiative on its Greenprints Trail System, which has nearly 20 miles currently and is projected to have more than 60 miles in and around Woodstock and adjacent areas of Cherokee County. The new Trail Watch Volunteer Program enlists the help of local residents and trail users to help patrol its trails in an effort to make sure that our trail users have a safe and enjoyable experience.

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Happy Trails

Cherokee County and its municipalities are among the safest in Georgia. Yet, recent events have raised awareness of safety, particularly on the trails in metro Atlanta. In Woodstock alone, cyclists from across the state bike more than 60,000 miles every month on trails in parks and throughout the city. With continued growth come both challenge and opportunity.

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Transportation Solutions to Move Georgia into the Future

One of the most pressing issues we face in Cherokee County is traffic. Widening projects and road improvements are certainly part of the solution, but how would we pay for such projects? To assist in answering this question, the State Legislature passed legislation creating the Joint Study Committee on Critical Transportation Infrastructure Funding.

The Committee is comprised of members of the State Legislature, the director of the Metro Atlanta Chamber, the Association County Commissioners of Georgia, and the Georgia Municipal Association. In the first meeting, Georgia Dept. of Transportation (GDOT) Commissioner Keith Golden outlined some of the challenges and opportunities before us as we work to improve Georgia's transportation system.

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New Blog Posts

Starting in September, there will be new blog posts for State Representative Mandi L. Ballinger.

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Grant Will Bring Gateway to Woodstock

In 2002, the City of Woodstock was awarded a grant through the Atlanta Regional Commission's Livable Centers Initiative (LCI) program to fund a planning effort to revitalize Downtown Woodstock. Through this planning initiative, residents and businesses came together to envision a vibrant, walkable town center, and the course toward realizing that vision was set. As a result of this intense planning process, today's residents and visitors enjoy an active and award-winning downtown area, with a variety of housing options, world-class dining experiences, specialty shops, and a character that is uniquely Woodstock.

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Mayor Welcomes New City Manager

Let me begin by wishing you all a happy 4th of July! If your celebration includes family travel, as it does for so many of us, please enjoy a safe and restful break.

Meanwhile, at City Hall, the team will be working hard, continuing to build the best city in America — Johns Creek, Georgia. As you may know, our team has a new leader, Warren Hutmacher. Warren joined us as City Manager in April and, although staff tends to toil behind the scenes, he has graciously agreed to allow me to use this space to introduce him to the community.

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April 2014

Spring has always been filled with inspiration for me, in life and in work. Of course, the warmer temperatures tend to lead us outdoors and we are generally more active than in the colder months, yet the newness of life almost makes me feel like a child again. The second Saturday of last month was spent almost entirely outside cutting brush, weeding, prepping container gardens, cleaning gutters, blowing leaves and some general straightening up, or “spring cleaning” as it has come to be known. This year, working in my yard seems to have more purpose; I’ve been putting more heart into it. 

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Happy New Year

I can’t believe it’s already here: the mid-point in the “kid year.” The time when all of us, young and seasoned, dread the holidays ending and going back to work or school.This also is true for our city government. Coming later in January is our annual planning retreat. This is the time when the city council gets together to set the goals for the coming year. Two major issues on the table this year include the widening of the intersection of Towne Lake Parkway, Arnold Mill Road and Main Street.

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After a Rough Winter, Spring is Finally Here

Well folks, we made it through two snowstorms. As the saying goes, “It is always darkest before the dawn.” Here comes the sun — finally — and, with it, warmer temperatures and the blooming of spring.With this wonderful change in the seasons, I’m happy to report Milton is going full steam ahead with all sorts of great events, happenings and news throughout spring. Don’t miss the 2014 Milton Earth Day Festival, April 19, at Friendship Community Park in Crabapple. This fun-filled and educational family event, hosted by Milton Grows Green and the City of Milton, will showcase environmental vendors and businesses along with fun crafts, rides, entertainment and food guaranteed to delight!

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Another Mayors’ Challenge Goes to Milton

Like a lot of folks, I spent the last Friday in August at Milton High School watching the home opener between the Milton Eagles and Alpharetta Raiders football teams.Cambridge had an away game, but when they open at home against Pope I’m sure I’ll see a lot of you there as well.

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