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Momentum - Bring It On!

From our earliest recorded history — through the imagery of cave paintings, stone tablets and scrolls — we learn that the willpower of mankind — the ability to adapt, overcome and strive toward the next dawn of day — propels us forward. Our failures incite us to push harder, and our hopes fuel our drive toward success. When down, we reconsider and recalculate then position ourselves to look forward and move ahead. We rest only to rise, to gather strength.

  1349 Hits

John's Creek 2016 Highlights

As we prepare for 2017 and all the promise a new year holds, let’s review the highlights of 2016.2016 began with the approval of Johns Creek’s first Strategic Economic Development Plan (SEDP) (, which will serve as a blueprint for retaining and expanding local businesses.

We then followed the adoption of the SEDP with approval of the 10-year Strategic Recreation and Parks Master Plan (, which provides direction and options for planning, development and refinement of Johns Creek’s recreation and parks system through the next decade.

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Ensuring Business Wins

Canton is a business-friendly city. This is no cliché. It is the truth. What exactly does being a business-friendly city mean in the first place? It means that all aspects of governance, codes and permitting are oriented in a manner that assists private businesses to open and conduct their operations.

When the decision is made to locate in Canton, from start to finish, we stand ready to help. The City of Canton provides everything from site selection assistance to permits, to inspections, to zoning information, to development code information, to incentive information and everything else in between.

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Woodstock Receives a 911 Artifact from the World Trade Center Subway Station to Create Memorial

Since September 11, 2006, the City has partnered with the Woodstock Jaycees to host the 9-11 Day of Remembrance Ceremony in the Park at City Center. The purpose of the ceremony is to commemorate the lives lost in the tragic events that occurred on September 11, 2001.This annual ceremony stands as a solemn reminder that we should not take our freedoms for granted. This year’s upcoming ceremony promises to be even more special.

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July 2016

Ever since I was a young boy, dreams have been interesting and intriguing to me. Seldom do I recall dreams I have while sleeping; however, on occasion, I may wake in the night to revisit a dream I’ve just had. As early as fourth grade, my most memorable, recurring dream would be the one of flying from the second story balcony of a large concrete building, drifting in the wind like a well-piloted kite, soaring above misty mountain tops and the still waters of a vast lake.

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Be True

Last month, I was fortunate enough to take a little break from the home zone. The little cabin where we stayed was down in a valley, where the only rush we had was the soothing, rumbling water of a wide mountain creek. There was no cellular service, so no fussing over devices, and no television, so no drama over channels. We made sure the children knew what to expect, and we were upfront about the pending uselessness of their electronics on the journey north. Saturday was spent mostly in or near the water, next to a roaring campfire or relaxing with board games after dinner.

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Learn Before You Burn

Spring is here. Well, it’s Georgia, so we have skipped spring and moved straight into summer. For many, this means yard cleanup: new mulch, flowers, trimming the shrubs and raking up dead leaves dropped by the trees over the winter months.

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Johns Creek

2016 marks a special milestone in the history of Johns Creek, as nearly ten years ago, our referendum was approved by over 70 percent of the voters to become a city. Since that time, we’ve walked this path together. We shared a common goal to meet our fate and create what would be the ultimate in self-determination. We’ve evolved into a city where we made our own rules to follow, and set goals that set us apart.

As we’ve grown into an even more exceptional community during this relatively short period, we have much to celebrate. Widely sought-after residential living, highly acclaimed medical facilities and premier municipal services are at the forefront of our success. We’re known for our top schools, which are nationally recognized for academic excellence. We’ve been recognized as the safest large city in the state. We have world class golf and tennis, with 300 acres of park land and growing. Johns Creek boasts a high standard of life.

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Growing up in central Cherokee County on a small, rural farm with my parents and brother, I learned a lot about simplicity. My father was the head of household until I reached my teens, and then my mom took over that role. Mom was stern and to the point. After some back talk from my brother or me, mom often would say, “period, end of conversation.” Nothing else would be said. There was no gray area. You were going to be good, or you were bad; simple enough.

  1900 Hits

John's Creek 10 Year Recreation and Parks Strategic Plan

Over the last year, Council and City staff members have worked to fine-tune and complete our 10-year Strategic Recreation and Parks Plan.  At the end of March, the Johns Creek City Council adopted the plan.

The adopted the Recreation and Parks Strategic Plan serves as a guide for decision-making based on extensive research, experience and community input. The Plan aims to achieve a balance between the need to provide parks, facilities and programs with the costs of securing the required land, development of specific recreational facilities and increased operations.

In April 2015, the city partnered with the consulting firm of Mack Cain Design Studios at Travis Pruitt and Associates to assist in the development of the Plan. The six-month planning process included extensive community outreach that included interviews, surveys, community meetings and social media interactions. More than 1,500 individuals participated in the planning process.

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April 2016

There have been times in our lives when we’ve found ourselves in situations where we may not have been very sure of which way to turn, yet we just trusted “the flow” and went for it. Our life is often like a wild river and tends to carve its way through the sands of time, frequently without regard to our desires or plans, and push us along in its wake. Of course, in the grand scheme of things, we all end up downstream a little wiser, a little more well-rounded and often eager with anticipation as to what may lie around the next bend. 

We will plan the work, and work the plan. Other follies may enter our route and find us making quick, last minute adjustments to stay on course. We might find that we make some moves instinctively. Often, our faith is what ultimately moves us to react.

  1867 Hits

Johns Creek’s Strategic Economic Development Plan

 The City of Johns Creek is facing an increasingly competitive environment for recruiting new businesses and retaining existing ones. Each city is jockeying for an advantage, trying to attract similar businesses and industries. Up until now, Johns Creek lacked a strategic economic vision for the types of businesses to attract, clarity on our economic strengths and weaknesses and a focused plan to maintain the character of the City throughout this process.

As such, the Johns Creek City Council recently approved a Strategic Economic Development Plan (SEDP) that will serve as a blueprint for monitoring the economic climate of the City and also act as a framework from which City Council members can better make decisions that directly  impact the long-term sustainability of the City.

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Babies Should Sleep Safely and Soundly

I serve as the Representative for the Georgia Child Fatality Review Board. The Board reviews child deaths and develops policy initiatives to prevent those deaths. Three infants die every week in Georgia as a result of unsafe sleep practices, but we can change that statistic.

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City of Mountain Park Community Garden

One of the best promises of spring is the renewal of community activities that bring family, friends and neighbors together. This is especially true in the community of Mountain Park because of the Community Organic Garden. Planting and growing seemslike a natural activity where an appreciation of the outdoors is second nature.

In 2010, a small group of citizens organized our Mountain Park Organic Garden site by leasing an overgrown, vacant lot from the City and turning it into a wonderful garden spot. The open membership has grown to approximately 40-50 households consisting of residents from Mountain Park, Roswell or the surrounding areas.

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Cherokee Children's Need Your Help!

Currently, the Cherokee County CASA program is only able serve about 45% of the kids in Foster Care. Cherokee CASA currently has 80 active volunteer advocates serving approximately 180 kids on any given day. On that same day, there are just over 400 children in state custody, leaving 220 children in need of an advocate. 

220 children, separated from their families, with no one to speak for them in court and no adult to guide them. When I worked with abused children, I saw firsthand the transformational impact these advocates can have in a child’s life.

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Wait for it.

A couple of months ago, I was enjoying one of our annual, southeastern meteor showers with friends. I was asked, “Why do stars twinkle?” I stumbled over my words, finding fault in what I was trying to say, as I was saying it, as I admittedly do sometimes. Growing up, I was told, “think before you speak, not as you speak.” Suddenly, I caught a twinkling planet out of the corner of my eye, which stopped my blundering explanation. So the very next day, after an extra cup of coffee, I went and scoured through the archives...and “Googled” it.

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On the Right Track?

Many of you may not be aware of a proposed tax increase to support a MARTA expansion further north on GA 400. Conventional wisdom might suggest such an expansion will significantly reduce traffic congestion and therefore, is a no-brainer. 

However, before we dig deeper into our pockets to support an investment in a heavy rail extension with a price tag of $1.6 billion, I believe we need to weigh the challenges we face and other available options.

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“What you do today is important, because you are exchanging a day of your life for it.”

When I’m active, I get tired. The activity is certainly remembered longer in my muscles than it used to be. Back in my younger days, after running around in the woods, riding up and down Toonigh Road on my bike, working in the garden with my dad or completing other chores, I would soon be sleeping on a pillow, surrounded by shag carpet, while being comforted by the breezy hum of an old metal fan. So I think I like being physically active. It reminds me of when I was younger, enjoying youth and simpler times.

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Reflecting on 2015, John's Creek

As I reflect on 2015, I’m filled with pride at our accomplishments. I proclaimed 2015 as “The Year of Public Works,” and we kept to that ideal. We delivered a year of marked improvements, procedural advancements, community discussion and looking ahead. We made significant road improvements and undertook a variety of plans to propel us forward in a smart and thoughtful way.

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Clarification on the More Take Home Pay Act

Earlier this year, my colleague, John Carson, who represents part of Cherokee County, introduced the More Take Home Pay Act (MTHPA) to reduce the state income tax rates and diversify the state’s revenues towards more of a consumption tax. Rep. Carson seeks to restructure the state tax code to allow Georgia families to keep more of their own money. Although Georgia remains among the top five states in the country to do business, we must always strive to become even better, particularly since we have the 2nd highest income tax rates among our border states.

Any time such a large initiative is introduced, there will be misconceptions. Here is what the bill does and does not do.

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